Site Selection

This 9 page section gives the essential elements and requirements of an ornamental fish farming site, with a comprehensive point-form checklist.

Contents by topic headings:

9.1 Climate
9.2 Water
9.3 Terrain
9.4 Energy and communication
9.5 Access to consumable and other operating requirements, including services and staff
9.6 Transportation of fish
9.7 Disposal of wastewater and solids
9.8 Statutory considerations
9.9 Suitability of the site for specific species
9.10 Projected farm size and scope for expansion
9.11 Security
9.12 Predators
9.13 Checklist of criteria for site selection

Sample page from this section:

Page 470, the first page from 9.13 ‘Checklist of Criteria for Site Selection’.


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